Okay, so that wasn't a very nice title....this weekend was an emotional weekend. It brought about many changes in the Primary and I must say I was not ready for all the changes that happened. Robyn Peterson my 1st councilor was released to go into the Young Womens presidency, this spawned a lot of additional changes, and as a result I have a new first councilor Deborah Decker whom I am very excited to work with. I also lost my secretary Andrea Bang who was repalced by Virginia Covington: this to will be fun getting to know her. I was sad to see my presidency leave, but on the flip side I am excited for the changes and new friendships that will develope in my new presidency. Changes are always difficult for me, I especially had a hard time when Robyn decided to bear her testimony in Primary, the Bishop and Brother Anderson were both sitting in the back of the primary, I don't think the primary has seen so many tears.
I think the last two weeks (thats when I knew the changes were happening) I have had a chance to reflect on my calling and how greatful I am to be in the Primary. I can't imagine any place I would rather be, and I can't imagine anything else I would be rather doing with my time.... Okay so I may cry even when I am typing... It's funny to look at the time I have been in primary, even though I knew and admired those who I had in my presidency, it wasn't until we began to serve together that I trully could appericiate how trully wonderful these women really are, I can't imagine better friends then those I have been given over this past year. It's funny how I feel a sense of lose, even though we still all live a couple blocks from each other, the feeling you get when you serve your Heavenly Father and strengthen the testimonies of young children along with strengthening your own testimony is a very powerful thing. As I do look at what has been done, I too am excited at the prospect of forging new friendships and watching the gospel move forward.
I brought my camera to church yesterday so I could take a picture of my past and present primary presidency, but like a dummy I forgot to take pictures; so I guess I'll have to update this with pictures later.
July 2007 Primary Presidency:
President: Kristin Stout
1st councilor: Robyn Peterson
2nd councilor: Jennifer Anderson
Secretary: Andrea Bang
October 2007:
2nd councilor: Lori Borrowman - Jennifer moved out of our ward
November 2008 Priamry Presidency:
President: Kristin Stout
1st councilor: Deborah Decker
2nd councilor: Lori Borrowman
Secretary: Virginia Covington
Look at that - the only one to even stay the same is myself....I need to work better at my people skills apparently :) I think I scare every one away!